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Enrollment at public institutions in Oregon, 2014-2023

Oregon's Higher Education Coordinating Commission (affectionately referred to as "The HECC") just put out its freshest headcount data for the state's community colleges and four-year public institutions.  The patterns are not surprising, but interesting, nonetheless. There are three views here: The first is a high level summary of all the institutions, colored by type on stacked bars, and totaled with the line.  It's simply a starting point. The second view (using the tabs across the top) shows a long trend of enrollment, from 2014 to 2023, broken out by four-year institutions.  As you can see, OSU has been growing quite dramatically over that time, much of it driven by our Ecampus enrollments.  However, for the skeptics, were you to remove all Ecampus students from the enrollment mix, we'd still be the largest four-year public in the state. Among four-year institutions, OSU enrolls more resident students, and more nonresident students, than any other public u
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A high-level look at enrollment in Oregon, 2011-2021

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Enrollment at Oregon Colleges and Universities, from 1980 to 2019

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